
A simple and fast way to create, attach and send professional quotations and proposals

Quotes4Act! enables you to use your Act! data to create quotes in Microsoft Word that can be emailed to your prospects. The email and quote are recorded in the History or Documents tab in Act! so you can easily locate when they call you or you do your followup call.


  • Create documents in PDF or Microsoft Word format from Microsoft Word templates - they don’t have to be just quotes or proposals.
  • Create as many templates as you like and share with your team.
  • Merge information from Act! contacts, companies, groups & opportunities into your documents and email body.
  • Create documents for the current contact or a lookup of contacts.
  • Documents are automatically saved with the naming convention you design using the template name, Act! data and the date/time.
  • Documents are automatically attached to the History or Documents tab in Act!.
  • Documents can also be attached to a new email message, with subject and body based on a template and merged Act! data.
  • The email can be sent to one or multiple addresses found on the Act! contact, company, group and/or opportunity.
  • Achieve all of the above in just a few clicks!

Works with Act! version v18-v25
and Microsoft Office 2007-2022 & 365